November 3, 2010

October 3, 2010

Night drawing...

Sunday. 3 A.M. Taking a break from drawing on the stone.
Looks like I will still have a long night (morning!) ahead of me *yawn*...
Why did I take Printmaking again?! And doing Lithography on top of that -_-;
Ahh, the espresso from earlier no longer has an effect on me now *pull out hair*
I can't go to sleep yet, but I'm so sleepy *yawn again*...
Oh well, lol.

September 20, 2010

September 19, 2010

September 11, 2010

She who yearns...

... for love

... for control

... and, for acceptance

I decided to do something with more fantasy elements, but my first attempt was not short on frustration. The ideas weren't quite thought out, the location I chose was just too tiny to do any sort of landscape pictures, without having a piece of wall or a electric plug somewhere in sight. I took the same kind of composition one after another, and my friend was frustrated for not being able to produce the kind of pictures she wanted to, but having to listen to my requests on and on. In short, both my model and I were disappointed and frustrated as neither one was able to do the sort of pictures we had in mind initially. The shoot ended early in silence *sighs*... but it was a great lesson for me, as a photographer, it'd be nice if my ideas are more concrete, and it's very important to establish a comfortable environment before shooting any serious photos, otherwise, both the photographer and the model will be reading one another's thinking and become so self-conscious... At least, we tried. This is the first, and there will be many more to come. This is one area I hope to explore more. Lots of thanks to be' Huong for putting up with me for almost two hours, in a tiny white room with no windows, and a grouchy and demanding photographer. And thanks to her for pointing out that I've been making the same kind of composition over and over, to be honest, it kinda hurts, but it's the truth... I've got so much more to learn.

September 7, 2010

Tựa cánh hoa rơi...

... like a rose petal in the wind

I was out and about on labor day, and took the camera with me for some quick snaps. This was a spur-of-the-moment sort of photo shoot, therefore there was very little preparation, though I guess we were lucky to arrive at Haymarket just in time for some gorgeous lights.

September 4, 2010


I love these indoor portraits, will try to photograph more indoor pictures when I have the time :).
I dislike how school and work consume most of my time for this hobby, but I'll be sticking with it no matter what.

August 22, 2010

Years by my side...

Mum is always a person I look up to. After suffering from depression, she has gradually gotten out of it, and transformed into a person I totally want to become in the future: kind, loving, patient, optimistic, and spontaneous. Looking at her perspective, life is just so much fun and serene. I really have learned a lot from her. I'm thankful for having her as my mum.

August 21, 2010

August 20, 2010

For RainAvenue...

A little romanticism... magazine style ^^.
I helped some friends out doing a little products photo shoot. I was quite unprepared, and it was awkward at first. But it was very fun, I'll be doing more of these in the future :). I also slapped up some quick logo on there (made in 1 minute), apparently it won't be my permanent logo name, I just think it's necessary to protect my works from now on though.

August 18, 2010

August 17, 2010

August 16, 2010

August 15, 2010

August 14, 2010

August 13, 2010

August 8, 2010


The snow flowers fell
Outside the window
And colored our town...

The pure white snow flowers
Bury this town
Softly drawing memories in our hearts
Together forever with you...

(base on the lyrics of Yuki no Hana - Mika Nakashima)

August 7, 2010

August 6, 2010

August 5, 2010

August 4, 2010


I haven't been out to take pictures much lately due to some personal problems.
Hopefully next week everything shall be back to normal.
Expect some new pictures as I will be away this weekend on a trip to Colorado :).

August 3, 2010

Ignorance is bliss...

... but avoidance of truth leads to a greater agony.
As I close my eyes, turn my back, shut all sounds, persuade my subconsciousness, leave the truth behind closed doors... I grow my fear steadily, like a green plant in a pot.
It manifests the back of my mind, creeps up and invades every room of my thoughts.
Regrets and doubts run like water and sunlight, feeding the fear tentatively as time smirks on the sideline: "Fool!"
Indeed, I'm a fool.

August 1, 2010

July 31, 2010