Another horrible attempt at watercolor -____-;;;a... Hm... what was i thinking... well, i'm not so sure since I'm sick today and trying to get over my serious stress/borderline depression. Guess it does say something about the state of my mind right now huh, lol.
January 30, 2009
January 29, 2009
A quiet week... & some manga reviews.
Ahh... I'm sorta tired of talking (in this case, writing). Actually I haven't been talking much at all this whole week, it was a very uneventful one anyways. I got some pictures though ;D.
Printmaking is fun, but carving the wood can be a pain in the butt. I stabbed my fingers thrice with the tools and they still hurt as I am typing this now.
That drawing for printmaking inspired me to do another drawing, done with pencils and markers. The left part was what took me the longest to complete, i was getting tired and lazy as you can see ^^;a
The finished drawing, eheheh... You might have noticed this already, but this one doesn't follow any sort of logical perspectives. I was sort of inspired by Escher but his of course was way way waysss more magnificent.
A more complete view of them on the wardrobe doors XD, next to my beloved TekkonKinkreet poster (^-^d).
Printmaking is fun, but carving the wood can be a pain in the butt. I stabbed my fingers thrice with the tools and they still hurt as I am typing this now.
That drawing for printmaking inspired me to do another drawing, done with pencils and markers. The left part was what took me the longest to complete, i was getting tired and lazy as you can see ^^;a
The finished drawing, eheheh... You might have noticed this already, but this one doesn't follow any sort of logical perspectives. I was sort of inspired by Escher but his of course was way way waysss more magnificent.
A more complete view of them on the wardrobe doors XD, next to my beloved TekkonKinkreet poster (^-^d).
January 19, 2009
Back to school... and hard at work.

School started again for me last week. I have 5 classes, and each one is around 3 hours long. On Tuesday and Thursday, I'm in school from 8 am to 5 pm, going through all 3 studio classes that last around 3 hours each -__-; It's a bit overwhelming and tiring, but I've set my mind to do the best I can for everyone of them. I'm amazed at myself.... since I'd never been this serious about school before. My classes are as below:
Monday: Adv. Drawing (8:30-11:20)
Tuesday - Thursday: Sculpture (8-10:50), Design Studio (11-1:50), Printmaking (2-4:50)
Wednesday: Adv. Drawing (8:30-11:20), History of Prints (2:30-4:50)
Thank god I don't have class on Friday, but then it's time for me to work, same on Saturday... and on Sunday, I've got to be practicing with my church youth group :).
The picture above is one that doodled in my sketchbook, photographed and transfered it to Photoshop to do a little clean-up before I started water-coloring it in Painter and then brought it back to Photoshop to do the final touch-up with colors and everything. I've never drawn using watercolor before, believe it or not so the result was quite... dismal. However, I've been sketching more and am getting more comfortable now. Good thing comes with practice... I realized this kinda late, but it's late then never, right ^^? I wish everyone a blessed week!!
Monday: Adv. Drawing (8:30-11:20)
Tuesday - Thursday: Sculpture (8-10:50), Design Studio (11-1:50), Printmaking (2-4:50)
Wednesday: Adv. Drawing (8:30-11:20), History of Prints (2:30-4:50)
Thank god I don't have class on Friday, but then it's time for me to work, same on Saturday... and on Sunday, I've got to be practicing with my church youth group :).
The picture above is one that doodled in my sketchbook, photographed and transfered it to Photoshop to do a little clean-up before I started water-coloring it in Painter and then brought it back to Photoshop to do the final touch-up with colors and everything. I've never drawn using watercolor before, believe it or not so the result was quite... dismal. However, I've been sketching more and am getting more comfortable now. Good thing comes with practice... I realized this kinda late, but it's late then never, right ^^? I wish everyone a blessed week!!