Smiles, blue chewing gums sticking out of her lips.
Playfulness plagued my camera's lens, if only the weather was a bit warmer.

Where do you think you are going from there?
Silence. I don't know.
But one thing I'm sure of, the ending will come, and it is near.

Do you feel that? Close your eyes.
There are certain things in life that you can only feel of its existence.
Your eyes, your ears, your tongue will deceive you.
Let go of your senses.

Model: Chichi
Date: 4/1/09
Just a few pictures of Chichi from our trip to Haymarket area downtown before twilight set in.
It was a beautiful day, albeit a little bit cold.
I made a joke earlier in the day with be' Heo on this very certain day, said I was going to confess my feelings to the guy that I like.
She said... why not.
I thought... yea, why not.
That thought of confession on April's fool day struck me as convenient.
Either way, it was not gonna hurt as much.
If busted, I could have just covered it up with a line... I was just kidding, did you fall for it?
In the end... I realized it was childish, and stopped.
But I didn't want to bother him after what happened to him before.
Right now, confusing him isn't what I want to do to him at all.
After that day, I stopped obsessing over him.
Opening that little drawer in my heart, I put all the good memories I had with him inside.
Closed it. Secured it. Treasured it. Yet, at the very bottom, far away from view.
It hurt the first few days afterwards. However, I made up my mind.
It's all for the better.
He didn't reject me. I didn't even confess.
But I knew... he doesn't have feelings for me, and that he's still hurt over his last lost love.
One day, his heart will be healed. He will love again.
Will that person be me?
I don't know.
Life is a never-ending mystery.
And I don't even want to find out just yet.
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