Weird name, I know... :D

That sculpture was a real bitch >___<, a true and sound pain in the ass. Sorry for the foul language, but that one gave me a lot of frustration and took so much of my time. When I first started making it, I guess I wasn't thinking 'sculpture' enough and that must be why I put myself into so many troubles. If I have gone the usual route of making the entire thing out of foam board, that would have made my life so much...easier, you know. But here I have head, arms, and legs all done separately out of foam board, and chicken wire for the middle section, and strings to attach them together, and little eye hooks all around for securing purpose, and plaster and paints and just a whole bunch of stuff. However, I wanted to make this one for myself, so despite all, I must make it the way I wanted it to be... and the final result came really close. So the bottom line is, I'm happy with it, even when I was so frustrated with assembling it :D. The critique is today, and I kind of anticipated that my instructor won't like it as much as I do, because after all, it looks less like a formal sculpture piece, but more like a big vinyl toy... (that was what I was aiming for though, lol, so yay, success!).

The topic is multiples, so I went the literal way: multiple expressions; and if you looked closely you will see there is a little 'ginger-man' like figurine on the inside of the chicken wire, so in another sense, this is about the physical self on the outside, and the ego inside... If that's just too much random ideas together, I might succeed at having 'multiple ideas' for this project, haha XD.

Some other views of the sculpture without the head. I loooooove putting on the texture, it was soo much fun ^^!! The fun thing with this one is that it's totally customizable. The head can be taken off and changed to whatever expression you like. It can be put in a way that it looks like the head is looking up, or straightforward, or down, hihi :). And if you walk around it, you see the changes on the face. I know this is not the most original idea ever, but I had a lot of fun making it so it's all good. I didn't expect it to be a masterpiece, but just something I can be proud of for having it in my room, so yeah, I'm happy with it.
Two other expressions :D. My favorite is the angry one, and least favorite is the happy. For some reason, I think the happy face looks retarded; it looks more like a perverted face to me, lol.
That's all folks. I'm so busy with school now that it's a real miracle I can still write blog XD. I miss this blog a lot though. Wait until I'm done with my two prints for printmaking -_____-; Man, it means I will be working my ass off for this whole week cranking out prints of the highest quality for my talented instructor. His expectations are high I tell you. After all, he's a great and very opinionated printmaker so he won't allow for sloppy stuff. He had made people cry in the past so I'm all prepared for the worst, lol. And the project I'm working in Graphic Design really makes me want to cry here as well. It's hard, it's dry, it's just so...directionless and I have totally no idea what to do T^T. But yea, it's that usual stuff graphic designers are suppose to do: discussing with clients, brainstorming, putting together designer briefs, designing and re-designing and some more re-designing, making sure the designs are innovative and awesome, having more meetings, more presentations, it goes on and on and on and on...... you know the drill. Man, I just have to get that out of my system.