I love November: the vibrant colors of changing leaves, the crispy fragrant smell of damping grass lingering in the air after a fresh autumn shower, the exuberant joy of Thanksgiving together with the sweet serenity of it all... A day ago, we Lincolnites experienced such solemn weather as it rained from morning until night time. Such weather excited me surprisingly... I love rainy days, and I love Autumn, so it's no surprise I felt utter bliss when an autumn shower came along. Inspiration blossomed... and minutes later I found myself with a camera, pointing it vigorously outside into my little yard and yapping pictures after pictures. The result can be view above...
My life has been pretty peaceful recently. I seldom go out, enjoy spending time alone reading, daydreaming, and studying. It has been so long since I last do any of this... My ex told me I needed to get out more, to associate and mingle with people. Of course, I know that's true... but no doubt I still want solitude time... the feeling of me working on things that I enjoy: drawing, reading, designing, etc. is a total satisfaction. For a long time I always felt like I am different, or more like an outsider in this very fast moving world. I dreaded phone calls and conversation without a certain purpose. Small talks scare me... All these feelings made me feel as if I was abnormal, unfitted and that alone devastated me. For a while, I tried to be like my best friend, Huong, who is a total extrovert. But of course, I could never be like her... and after some pretty horrible changes, I realized I am just myself, an individual who is absolutely normal in my own state. Bit by bit I came to appreciate the person that I really am. It's amazing how a simple thought could make one's life happier. I no longer seek to be that someone else... I understand my strengths and weaknesses and am trying to balance things out in my life.
A book I'm in the middle of reading which I think is quite helpful for an introvert like myself: The Introvert Advantage: How to thrive in an Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney.
... that and Harry Potter book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'm nearing the end now and it's getting quite... violent :).
That's all for today. I have a lot to do tomorrow so I better get to bed early :). Ja ne!
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