December 14, 2008

Saturday inspired.

Image copyrighted of Kidchan @ DeviantArt

Did I ever tell you guys how much I adore sketchy and loose illustrations with vibrant and atmospheric palette? I have my set of favorite artists, most of them children's illustrators and freelance artists having some sort of anime/manga influence in their works. Also, I'm a very very frequent lurker over at DeviantArt, the most popular art community in the US and dare I say, around the world... because anyways, art and its appeal are universal just like music. It was at DA that I discovered some of the most amazing unknown artists!! Kidchan is one of them. I simply adore her style, her wonderful touch with colors. The colors basically have the capability to drown you in blissful art heaven and take you to enchanted shores. Her works took my breath away (both literally and metaphorically). And by chancing on her art journal, she also appeared to be a very humble artist, which just helped to increase my respect for her to another level.

Below are two of my most favorite pages from one of her comics... no words spoken, all visuals but they all speak more than a thousand words. So true...

Read the rest of the comic on her journal here!

Also, I finally subscribed to Hi-Fructose magazine!!! The next volume will be out the first week of January 2009 :D. I definitely can't wait to get my hands on the next issue, my nose could almost smell the fresh scent of new pages, and the many gorgeous artworks and interesting interviews to come XD. And 2009, I can't wait to make you the best year yet ^^v.