February 17, 2009

Projects and short animated movies...

Wahh, it's good to be writing in this blog again... I've been away working on a few big projects so time is always scarce, plus the weather is getting nicer which is just perfect for some outdoor activities so I've been less inclined to write as of late. Got some pictures to share however....

This printmaking assignment took a loooong time. I wasn't sure how I wanted to render my dad's portrait, but it came out quite nicely.

Above are some spare prints I took home with me after turning in the best ones for my prof. I'm gonna give to my dad and hang one in my study room :D.

Tada, I got it on the wall at last!!!!!

And this is the process for a big drawing for my Adv. drawing class (yes, it's HUGE, around 48 x 72 in). I'm also working on another project simultaneously with this one but the other one is still in some brainstorming process so no picture up as of now.

Lately I've been looking at some short animated films and am very much enamored. Some of them are a little lack in the stories, but their beautiful artworks somehow (just somehow) allow the viewers to continue on... I've embedded with this post one that I quite like, hopefully you will like it as well. Yea, this is again a very short and not well-written blog entry, but I just got back from critique and well, am just very tired. So ja ne!!!

The Diary of Tortov Roddle