June 26, 2010

First few dabs at portraiture

There, we have it. I'm usually scared of doing portrait, because I still don't believe in my ability, and secondly, I think my camera is no good. Oh well, these aren't too bad... but she's a good model, so :).

/ rant mode on /

I'm getting frustrated with my kit lens ;_; ... Basically, it does the job (all my photos were taken with the 18-55mm kit lens that came with my Canon Rebel Xti body) but now that I'm getting a little more serious with photography, this lens is truly limited, albeit I'm not that knowledgeable myself, but I'm soooo wanting a different lens, but I'm so broke T^T; Sorry I need to get that out of my system before going back to continue exploring with the kit lens *sighs*... There will be a way, I hope... there will be...

/ rant mode off /

Out to take more pictures...